SAMPE Orange County Meeting Notice
Wed., April 20th, 2011 at 6 p.m.
Material Characterization & D&DT Analysis of Nanocomposites & Their Advanced Hybrid Multi-Scale Composites.
Mohit Garg
AlphaStar Corporation, Long Beach, CA
Emerging nanocomposite materials in the form of polymer-based nano composite have shown tremendous increases in strength, ductility and have gained popularity in academia with improved mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties. In the last few years vast amount of nano materials have been manufactured and entered into commercial and military applications as improved advanced products with superior properties. Usually the prediction tools and models rely on expensive testing to obtain range of unknown variables that hinders their use for many practical and industrial applications. The speaker will present methodology/theoretical model that combine multi-physics/multi-scale progressive failure analysis to generate virtual test samples for use in predicting stiffness, Poisson's ratio, and strength allowable's. The speaker will also illustrate D&DT prediction capabilities using the constituent material properties by presenting validation results for static, dynamic, fracture and fatigue loadings for E-glass, Epoxy reinforced with spherical silica nanoparticles (Nanopox F400).
AlphaStar is a leading provider of engineering solutions for assessing Durability and Damage Tolerance (D&DT) of structure mode from advanced materials ( polymer, ceramics, nano, fiber metal laminates and honeycomb). The company services prominent aerospace industries and Government agencies.
Mohit Garg, Application Research Manager, AlphaStar Corporation, Long Beach, CA. Mr. Garg specializes in composite nano-, micro-, and macro-mechanics, durability and damage tolerance, reliability, and multi-disciplinary optimization. His research interests are aimed towards the advancement of computational modeling and simulation and assessing advanced technologies, with special focus on nanocomposites and their advanced multi-scale composites. He received his B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institutes of Technology, in Cambridge, Massachusetts (2003 and 2005). He authored more than 20 technical and journal papers in the areas of material characterization and durability and damage tolerance analysis of nanocomposites, composites, Fiber Metal Laminates, and other advanced hybrid material systems.
The Jagerhaus in Anaheim, 2525 East Ball Road, just west of the 57 Freeway, on the North side of Ball.
Turn right at the first driveway. Phone 714-520-9500. GoogleMap Link
6:00 pm Social • 7:00 pm Dinner • 8:00 pm Speaker — Member or guest dinner $20.
Student (with student ID) dinner $10. No cost for Program only.
Reservations:: E-mail Darrell Reed, , call 714-630-3003, x 211
or Fill out our Online Form