SAMPE Orange County Meeting
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
FBI’s Role in Protecting Technology
Mark Lorrin, Supervisory Special Agent
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Southern California is key to the Nation’s technological development. However, locally pioneered advancements are often the prized targets of competitors who would seek to reap the benefits of critical research without their own investment and effort, much to the detriment of the United States.
Supervisory Special Agent Mark Lorrin received a degree in Physics from Annapolis in 1986 and was commissioned an officer in the United States Marine Corps.
In 1995 Mark joined the FBI, his duties encompassing National Security matters. Over the last decade, SSA Lorrin has worked closely with the aerospace sector on matters of Industrial Security, having served as Los Angeles coordinator for the Awareness of National Security Issues and Response (ANSIR) program and co-chair of the Los Angeles Chapter of the Industrial Security Awareness Council (ISAC).
The Jagerhaus in Anaheim, 2525 East Ball Road, just west of the 57 Freeway,
on the North side of Ball.
Turn right at the first driveway. Phone 714-520-9500. GoogleMap Link
6:00 pm Social • 7:00 pm Dinner • 8:00 pm Speaker — Member or guest dinner $20.
Student (with student ID) dinner $10. No cost for Program only.
Reservations:: E-mail Darrell Reed, , call 714-630-3003, x 211 or Fill out our Online Form
by Tuesday noon, June 20.
Mark Your Calendars Now • Saturday, December 2 is our Christmas Party
A fun evening has been planned by Joyce Lentz, our Christmas Party Chairperson. It will be held at the Pala Casino, starting off with the cocktail hour. An excellent dinner will be served, followed by a drawing for prizes.
After dinner, the Casino has 2,000 slot machines and a wide variety of table games (poker, black jack, etc.) For music lovers, there are two lounges complete with live entertainment.
The Pala Casino is located at 11154 Highway 76 in Pala, between Temecula and Escondido. If we have enough interest, we can make arrangements for a bus.
Reserve your spot early by calling Joyce at 949-240-6353.