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Monthly Meeting Notification

Wed., Feb 17th, 2010 at 6:00 p.m

Quality Composites Manufacturing: Precision Cleaning,
Compatibility and Supplier Consistency


Barbara Kanegsberg, BFK Solutions LLC
Dr. Ed Kanegsberg, BFK Solutions LLC


Contaminants must be removed for reliable, quality coating of composites. However, undesirable surface modification, erosion, or deformation of composites can derail the manufacturing process and compromise product quality. We will discuss essentials of cleaning system design, approaches to compatibility testing of composites, strategies to minimizing batch to batch variability of composites and techniques for achieving supply chain consistency. Those designing composites, complex components and assemblies, and those responsible for setting up and maintaining consistent, quality manufacturing processes will benefit from practical ideas and opportunities for information exchange.


Barbara Kanegsberg and Ed Kanegsberg, “the Cleaning Lady and the Rocket Scientist” of BFK Solutions LLC, are recognized consultants in critical cleaning, contamination control, and surface quality. They effectively help companies optimize manufacturing cleaning processes, improve yield, resolve regulatory issues, and maintain trouble-free production. Projects include aerospace/military, electronics assembly, medical devices, engineered coatings, metals, pump repair, optics, and nanotechnology.

On the grounds that cleaning should be fun, they conduct dynamic, engaging interactive workshops. They are regular contributors to technical publications including “Controlled Environments Magazine” and “Process cleaning Magazine.” They are involved in the IPC Cleaning Handbook, ASTM medical device standards committees, and the JS3 interagency military effort. They are editors of "The Handbook For Critical Cleaning,” CRC Press; an expanded second edition is in progress. Barbara has a B.S. in Biology from Bryn Mawr College and an M.S. in Biochemistry from Rutgers University. Ed has a B.S. in Physics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. in Physics from Rutgers University.


The Jagerhaus in Anaheim, 2525 East Ball Road, just west of the 57 Freeway, on the North side of Ball.
Turn right at the first driveway. Phone 714-520-9500. GoogleMap Link


6:00 pm Social7:00 pm Dinner • 8:00 pm Speaker — Member or guest dinner $20.
Student (with student ID) dinner $10. No cost for Program only.

Reservations:: E-mail Darrell Reed, reed@ocmtestlabs.com , call 714-630-3003, x 211
or Fill out our Online Form

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